Welcome to Desire of Nations


To reach the unreached

To touch the untouched

To love the unloved…


For many years, it has been our heart to reach nations with God’s great love.  We traveled to Kenya and were introduced to some amazing people, one of whom has started a school in the largest slum area in Sub-Saharan Africa.  When she first visited Kibera, she couldn’t forget the children who were running the streets because of inaccessibility to an education.  So she took action.  She went back, found those kids, and started Little Rock.  Beginning with twelve young children, Little Rock has grown to over five hundred since 2003.  Their efforts are reaching primarily at-risk children:

  • HIV-affected or infected
  • The very poor
  • Orphans
  • Special-needs children: disabled, deaf, and Down’s Syndrome


Little Rock has thrived and grown to include speech, occupational, hydro- and physical therapy for those who need it.  They also provide Sign Language school for family members of the deaf.  They even have a program to educate and train parents in various skills to empower them to support their own families.

Little Rock School has given assistance to so many, and their dream is to expand and grow to reach many more.  But they cannot make it happen without support.  With Desire of Nations, our vision is to not only support Little Rock in their current endeavor, but to also see them expand to others regions and nations with similar needs…So this is only the beginning!

How you can help:
Our upcoming trip to Kenya will include providing therapy supplies and books for Little Rock School.  We are also hoping to give a substantial amount to sponsor more students and support operating costs.  You may send contributions payable to “Desire of Nations” to our address below.  Thank you for caring!

To learn more, visit the following:
or click here to search YouTube for “Little Rock School Kenya”

To contact us at Desire of Nations click here